Sunday, January 27

tumbling to coachella

Now that the Coachella line-up has been announced, it's pretty much all I'm thinking about. I feel like my mind before was really void of thought before, now that I'm constantly thinking about so many things that revolve around Coachella. Will I get ahold of a ticket? What am I going to wear? Should I start saving now? What bands am I gonna see? Will I get a ticket??!!!  Getting a ticket isn't as easy as it used to be, but it will be a challenge I will prepare for and fight to the death for! Alright, past the worrying of going on Ticketmaster this Tuesday, I've been seeing so many Coachella inspired pics on tumblr. For a long time it was very winter-y. Fur coats, head-to-toe black, leather as far as the eye could see, but now, a lovely reminder that Spring is around the corner. Above are some of my favorite Coachella inspired photos that have suddenly popped up and have me already thinking about the jewelry, clothes, shoes and bags I'll be using in the middle of April....if I get a ticket.

le rebelle douce,

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